Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur


The Department of Basic Sciences has experienced Faculty members, who are well qualified with Ph.D degrees from NIT’s/IIT’s.


S. No.


Area of Specialization


Dr. Prasad V. Joshi

Solid Mechanics/Vibration/Robotics/Computer Graphics


Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar



Dr. Charu Goel



Dr. Aatish Daryapurkar

Applied Sciences


Dr. Chandrashekhar Sakode

Electrical Engineering


Dr. Kamaljeet



Dr. Ujwal Warbe



Dr. Naresh Kumar



Dr. Madhuri Tayade



Dr. Vikrant Dhenge

Social Sciences


Dr. Anup Kumar Rajak



Dr. Nishant Namdev



Dr. Pradeep Shende



Dr. Preeti



Dr. Shailesh Janbandhu

Applied Sciences


The department faculty has more than 69 research publications in journals of repute in the following areas;

  • Applied Mathematics, Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Data Science, Mathematical Modelling.
  • Applied/ Engineering Physics, Material Science, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
  • Culture and Society, Technology and culture intervention, Small Scale Industries and Forestry based MSMEs.
  • CAD/CAM, Supply Chain Management, Biogas characterization
  • Solid Mechanics, Vibration, Computer Graphics, Robotics
  • Neuro Fuzzy logic, Optimization & Control system

Patent :

Sl. No.

Inventor/s Name

Patent Application No.

Filed/Published / Granted

Title of the Patent


Aatish Sanjayrao Daryapurkar*, Vipin Milind Kamble, Saurav Manohar Gajbhiye*, Harshal Ravikumar Khandait*, Purva Rajesh Goydani, Vedant Rajesh Gannarpwar, Pranav Yogesh Rabade, Kaushik Satish Yelne



An automated irrigation system for guiding irrigation scheduling


Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar

202341076211 A


Integrating social media and Commerce Applications


Dr. Madhuri Tayade, Dr. Nirzar Kulkarni, Dr. Dinesh Kumar Mirkute, Dr Sujit Metre



Device for Effective Supply Chain and Logistics Management


Prasad V. Joshi



Flexible Boundary Condition Setup for Vibration of Rectangular Plates for All Sizes and Edge Conditions


Dr. Shaileshkumar Y. Janbandhu, Rupesh S. Gedam, Mrs. Shilpa R. Gedam 



Borosilicate Glass Composition Embedded with Cds/Tio2 Composites Forindigo Carmine Dye Degradation


Book Chapters :

  1. C. Goel and B. Reznick, "Sums of Squares of k-term forms", arXiv:2403.08697 (2024)
  2. C. Goel, S. Hess, S. Kuhlmann, "A Refinement of Hilbert's 1888 Theorem: Separating Cones along the Veronese Variety", arXiv: 2401.03813 (2024).
  3. C. Goel, S. Hess, S. Kuhlmann, "Intermediate Cones between the Cones of Positive Semidefinite Forms and Sums of Squares", arXiv: 2303.13178 (2023)
  4. Dr. M. Paikane, Dr. K Dorshetwar,Learning English Through Poetry, Plays & Novels, LAMBERT Publication, 2022,ISBN:978-620-5-51187-9
  5. Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, Dr. M. Paikane, Indian Woman Novelist:Shobha De,  LAMBERT Publication ,  2022 , ISBN: 978-620-5-49010-5
  6. Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, New Avenues for Women in ShobhaDe’sWriting,Book on Rethinking Gender: Perspectives from Literature and Society with ISBN No ISBN- 978-81-948301-5-3
  7. Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, Dr. AnuradhaSingh,Dr. M. Paikane,Essays on COVID-19: A Research Study,  Sankalp Publication,  2021,ISBN 978-81-948301-3-9
  8. Dr. Madhuri Tayade, Probing The Influence of English Literature on the Indian Knowledge System in Light of NEP 2020, Indian Knowledge System, Values and Philosophies,  ISBN- 978-81-977606-2-2 page no
  9. Dr. Madhuri Tayade, “Present Status of Women in India” in Gender Equality by Dr. VaishaliMeshram, Published by Adhar Publication- Amaravati. ISBN-978-93-91305-28-. Page: 10
  10. Dhenge, Vikrant and Nimbarte, G.N. (July 2024) Impact Assessment of Citizen Participation and Service Quality on Citizen Satisfaction in Mid-sized Smart Cities in India. Sustainable Resilient Built Environment, Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements, Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-8811-2

Conference Papers:

  1. P. V. Joshi, "Effect of crack location on vibration analysis of cracked FGM plate under thermal environment, March 15-17,2018. (Accepted for publication) SCOPUS indexed MATERIALS TODAY PROCEEDINGS", , No. , Pages 28043-28050, 2018.
  2. P. V. Joshi, "Effect of thermal environment on vibration response of partially cracked functionally graded plate coupled with fluid, , Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, March 15-17,2018. (Accepted for publication) SCOPUS indexed", Vol. nan, No. ,2018.
  3. ShradhaBansod (Pande), A. S. Daryapurkar, SushilPande “Biomass fly ash as a source of silica: Comprehensive review” National Conference on Green Earth –Clean Earth”, 10th Feb 2024, Nagpur.
  4. H. Pundkar, Sharad S. Chaudhari, A. S. Daryapurkar “Navigating the Potential of Nanomaterial in Thermal Systems Evaluating Performance, Stability and Overcoming Limitations with Innovative Solutions: A Comprehensive Review” International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials” 11th -13th, July 2024, IIT Indore.
  5. K. Pendke, M. Digalwar, C. Goel, "Identification and Analysis of Emotions from the Text for Stress Detection", Fifteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2023), Association for Computing Machinery ICPS, New York, USA, 2023, 623-630.
  6. Goel, S. Kuhlmann, "A Tale of Two Cones: PSD vs SOS in equivariant situations", The 25th Intenational Symposium on MTNS, EPub Bayreuth, 2022, pp 781-783.
  7. Kirti Sanjay Dorshetwar,NandanChabbi,"The Societal Impact of Artificial Inteligence for India's Healthcare System", in PAN NIT Humanities & Social Sciences Research Conclave 2024
  8. Dr. Kirti Sanjay Dorshetwar, National Education Policy 2020: A Right Step in Reviving the Education in Mother Tongue
  9. Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, ShobhaDe’s Ironic Representation of Relationships with Special Reference of Metro Cities, in IARCSAC 2nd International Architectural Sciences & Applications Symposium, September 9 to 11 September 2022,Baku Engineering University Baku, Azerbaijan
  10. Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, Economic Ramification Due to Covid, ISPEC 10th International Conference on Agriculture,July 18-19 2022, Sivas University of Science &Technology,Turkey
  11. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar, New Avenues for Women in ShobhaDe’s Writing, Interdiscipilinary National Conference on Rethinking Gender:Perspectives from Literature and Society, VNIT.
  12. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar,Dr. M. Paikane, Evaluating Veiled Feminine Yearning in the Movies of Satyjeet Ray,  1st International Architectural Sciences and Application Symposium, Isparta University, Turkey,27-29 October 2021.
  13. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar, A. Kohad, , B. Tiwari,, H. Kedia, Y. Baghel.Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy with special reference to Business,Two Days Interdisciplinary International e-Conference on Impact of COVID-19 on Various Areas of Global Economy, Science & Humanities Gondwana University, Gadchiroli, MS, India,  24 & 25 June 2020
  14. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar,HarshShrivastava, TejasDeore, VaibhavChaurasia& Ashish Sonam, The Latest Inventions of Online Platforms to Raise the Issues of Covid-19,  International Conference , Digital  Humanities in the 21st Century :Understanding  Human-Machine Interface & the  Dawn of Post-humanism, 28/7/20 to 30/7/20 by Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara
  15. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar, Environmental Concerns for Smart City,  Redefining Environmental Governance for Smart City, Post Graduate Teaching Department of Hindi of RTMNU,Nagpur on 2nd March, 2019
  16. Dr. KirtiDorshetwar,AChandel,Media as a Social Need,International Conference on Management, Engineering & Social Science(ICMESS-19) on 23rd-24th August, 2019 at Mumbai
  17. Dr. MadhuriTayade, "Intentionality of Implementing AI and The Impact on Environmental Sustainibility of Educational Institutes,"Governance Education Policy based International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GEPIC-AI), AIMANTHAN, held by Vishwamanthan Research Foundation on 12th-13th July, 2024 at IIM,Nagpur
  18. Dr. MadhuriTayade, "Natural Environment Degradation, Sustainable Development and Ethics" International Conference on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Developemnt, 4th May, 2024, at UIET, MDU, Rohtak
  19. Dr. MadhuriTayade, "Impact of Climate Change on Human Physical and Mental Health," 4th World Environment Summit -4th – 5th November 2023 by Galgotias University at Convention Centre, Delhi University, North Campus, Delhi (India)
  20. V. Dhenge and K. S. Dorshetwar, "Overview of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Using Case Studies Approach," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI), Gwalior, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IATMSI60426.2024.10502940.

More than 19 seminars/STTPs/workshops organized in last few years.


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