Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur


Research Areas :

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Generative AI

Natural Language Processing

Parallel Computing

High-Performance Computing



Pattern recognition



Conference Papers


  • Amit Shewale, Amruta Lipare, Mahesh Chowdary Kongara (2024),  Modified Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in WSNs, 15th International IEEE Conference on computing, communication and networking Technologies, IIT Mandi June 2024
  • Jitendra Tembhurne, Kirtan Lakhotia, Anant Agrawal, “Twitter Sentiment Analysis Using Ensemble of Multi-channel Model based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques”, Knowledge and Information Systems, (11th October 2024). DOI: Indexed in SCI (Q1). IF 2.5.
  • Rutvik Page, Arnav Doifode, Jitendra Tembhurne, Aishwarya Sagar Anand Ukey, “Participatory Budget Allocation Method for Approval Ballots”, p. 1-8, 9th October 2024. DOI:
  • Jitendra Tembhurne, Anant Agrawal, Kirtan Lakhotia, “COVID-19 Twitter Sentiment Classification Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model Based on Grid Search Methodology”, p. 1-14, 18 June 2024. DOI:
  • Madhuri Dubey, Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Richa Makhijani, “Improving coronary heart disease prediction with real-life dataset: a stacked generalization framework with maximum clinical attributes and SMOTE balancing for imbalanced data”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024 (1st June 2024). DOI: Indexed in SCOPUS (Q1). IF 2.7.
  • Dipak W Wajgi, Jitendra V Tembhurne, Rakhi D Wajgi, “Distance-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Network Using Exponential Grey Prediction Model”, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN), 19(1), 1-22, January 2024. DOI: 10.4018/IJBDCN.353393. Indexed in SCOPUS (Q3). IF 1.0.



  • A Taxonomy of IoT Security Attacks and Emerging Solutions, 2nd International Conference on Paradigm Shifts in Communications Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing (PCEMS), Nagpur, India, 2023, doi: 10.1109/PCEMS58491.2023.10136032.
  • A Novel Model based Energy Management Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles using Deep Reinforcement Learning, 15th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2023)
  • Identification and Analysis of Emotions from the Text for Stress Detection', 15th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2023)
  • Goel. R., Digalwar. M. “Predicting Suicidal Ideation on Reddit: A Precise Machine Learning Classifier for Mental Health Support”, publication in Springer proceedings of MICA 2023 (Scopus Indexed)
  • Digalwar. M Technique”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023)
  • Semwal, R., Aier, I., Tyagi, P., Raj, U., & Varadwaj, P. K. (2023, March). DeepLBS: A deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Ligand-Binding Site Prediction Tool. In 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.


  • Dharwada, S., Tembhurne, J., & Diwan, T. (2022, January). Multi-channel Deep Model for Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Transfer Learning. In International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (pp. 245-259). Springer, Cham.
  • Aman Verma, Raghav Agrawal, Priyank Kumar Singh, Nishat Afshan Ansari “An Acoustic Analysis of Speech for Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning”. 1st International Conference on the Paradigm Shifts in Communication, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing (PCEMS), 06-07 May, 2022.
  • R Makhijani, Shubham Sagar, K. Bhanuprakash, 2022, Yoga Pose Rectification, International Conference on Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence (CVMI).
  • Suvra Jyoti Choudhury and Sujoy Chatterjee.: An Autoencoder-based Approach for Finding (ICCCNT).



  • Digalwar. M., Digalwar A., & Pandhare R., (2021)“Smart Wearable Device for People to Sustain in New Normal”. ISDSI – 2021, Dec 2021



  • Kalare, K. W., Obaidat, M. S., Tembhurne, J. V., Meshram, C., & Hsiao, K. F. (2020, November). Parallelization of Global Sequence Alignment on Graphics Processing Unit. In 2020 International Conference on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics (CCCI) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • T. Saxena, P. Anuragi, G. Shinde, N. Yadav and M. Digalwar, "COWAR: An Android Based Mobile Application to Help Citizens and COVID-19 Warriors," 2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Information & Communication Technology (CICT), 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CICT51604.2020.9312073
  • Ayare P., Sachdeo R., Penurkar M. (2020) “Product Sentiment Analysis Using Natural Language Understanding”, In: Bansal J., Gupta M., Sharma H., Agarwal B. (eds) Communication and
    Intelligent Systems. ICCIS 2019,Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 120, pp 123-135. Springer, Singapore


Journal Papers


  • Shah, Shrishti, Shubhasri Tadepalli, Lalitha Tanmai Vaddiparthi, Nishat Afshan Ansari, and Ankit A. Bhurane. Generative AI for Text to Image: A Comprehensive Survey, Making Art With Generative AI Tools, pp: 17-44, April 2024 https://DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1950-5.ch002
  • Shukla, R. S., Ghuse, E. A., Diwan, T., Tembhurne, J. V., & Sahare, P. (2024). GA-MPG: efficient genetic algorithm for improvised mobile plan generation. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-17.
  • Batra, P., Phalnikar, N., Kurmi, D., Tembhurne, J., Sahare, P., & Diwan, T. (2024). OCR-MRD: performance analysis of different optical character recognition engines for medical report digitization. International Journal of Information Technology, 16(1), 447-455.
  • Tembhurne, J. (2024). Classification of COVID-19 patients from HRCT score prediction in CT images using transfer learning approach. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 11(1), 4.
  • Kasture, Neha, and Pooja Jain. "Automatic recognition of disordered children’s speech signal in dyadic interaction using deep learning models." Multimedia Tools and Applications 83, no. 16 (2024): 49493-49513.
  • Shailendra W. Shende, Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Nishat Anasari, “Deep Learning Based Authentication Schemes for Smart Mobile Devices”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024. (8th Feb 2024). DOI: Indexed in SCI. IF 2.7.
  • Dipak W. Wajgi, Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Rakhi D. Wajgi, “RSSI and AoA Combination using PSO-Based Clustering for Localization in WSN”, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 58, no. 3-4, p. 195-241, 2024. (1st March 2024). DOI: 10.32908/ahswn.v58.9877. Indexed in SCI. IF 0.9.
  • Saurav M. Gajbhiye, Purva R. Goydani, Vedant R. Gannarpwar, Harshal R. Khandait, Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Tausif Diwan, Parul Sahare, “Early Detection of Stroke Disease using Patients previous medical data instil with Deep Learning”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1 July 2024. DOI: Indexed in SCI. IF 2.7.
  • Dubey, M., Tembhurne, J., & Makhijani, R. (2024). Improving coronary heart disease prediction with real-life dataset: a stacked generalization framework with maximum clinical attributes and SMOTE balancing for imbalanced data. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-30.
  • Rathod, V. S., Tiwari, A., & Kakde, O. G. (2024). Folded ensemble deep learning based text generation on the brain signal. Multimedia Tools and Applications.



  • Dubey M., Jitendra Tembhurne, Richa Makhijani, “Heart Failure prediction on diversified datasets to improve generalizability using 2-Level Stacking”, Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6(3), 2024028-2024028, 2024. 31st August 2023. DOI:https://10.31893/multiscience.2024028.
  • Panda, S. K., Diwan, T., Kakde, O. G., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2023). Improvised detection of deepfakes from visual inputs using light weight deep ensemble model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82(13), 20101-20118.
  • Tembhurne, J. V., Gajbhiye, S. M., Gannarpwar, V. R., Khandait, H. R., Goydani, P. R., & Diwan, T. (2023). Plant disease detection using deep learning based Mobile application. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-26.
  • Tembhurne, J. V., Hebbar, N., Patil, H. Y., & Diwan, T. (2023). Skin cancer detection using ensemble of machine learning and deep learning techniques. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-24.
  • Arvind, S., Tembhurne, J. V., Diwan, T., & Sahare, P. (2023). Improvised light weight deep CNN based U-Net for the semantic segmentation of lungs from chest X-rays. Results in Engineering, 17, 100929.
  • Wajgi, D. W., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2023). Localization in wireless sensor networks and wireless multimedia sensor networks using clustering techniques. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-51.
  • Kamble, A., Gaikwad, V., & Tembhurne, J. (2023). A provably lightweight mutually authentication and key establishment protocol using extended chaotic map for telecare medicine information system. International Journal of Information Technology, 1-17.
  • Wajgi, D. W., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2023). A Clustering-Based 3D Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using RSSI and AoA. SN Computer Science, 4(5), 682.
  • Sriram, D. S., Ranjan, A., Ghuge, V., Rathore, N., Agarwal, R., Diwan, T., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2023). Personalized federated learning for the detection of COVID-19. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-18.
  • Shah, S., & Tembhurne, J. (2023). Object detection using convolutional neural networks and transformer-based models: a review. Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, 10(1), 54.
  • P Mishra, 2023, Domain adaptive learning for document layout analysis and object detection using classifier alignment mechanism, Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication
  • Gupta, Preeti, Pooja Jain, and O. G. Kakde. "Deep Learning Techniques in Radar Emitter Identification." Defence Science Journal 73, no. 5 (2023).
  • Gupta, Preeti, Pooja Jain, and O. G. Kakde. "Deep Learning Techniques in Radar Emitter Identification." Defence Science Journal 73, no. 5 (2023).
  • Goel. R., Digalwar. M. “Suicidal Thought Detection using Max Voting Ensemble Technique”, Procedia Computer Science Journal(2023), Elsevier
  • Tyagi, P., Sharma, A.,Semwal, R., Tiwary, U. S., & Varadwaj, P. (2023). XGBoost odor prediction model: finding the structure-odor relationship of odorant molecules using the extreme gradient boosting algorithm. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics.
  • Shinde, Snehal Bankatrao, Kankipati Lahari, Keerthika Chowdary Garimella, Vicharapu Sowmya Sree, Nileshchandra K. Pikle, Girish S. Bhavekar, Pradnya Borkar, Sagarkumar Badhiye, and Mukesh Raghuwanshi. "Experimental Analysis of Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning with Emphasis on Hyper Parameter Tuning and Recursive Feature Elimination." International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems 16, no. 6 (2023).
  • Borkar, Pradnya, Snehal Shinde, Mukesh Raghuwanshi, and Roshani Raut. "Accelerating prediction of RNA secondary structure using parallelization on multicore architecture." Sādhanā 49, no. 1 (2023): 6.
  • Kasture, Neha, and Pooja Jain. "An approach for Correcting the Word-level Mispronunciations for non-native English-speaking Indian Children." Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 44, no. 6 (2023): 10799-10813.
  • Papala, Gowtham, Aniket Ransing, and Pooja Jain. "Sentiment Analysis and Speaker Diarization in Hindi and Marathi Using using Finetuned Whisper: Sentiment Analysis in Hindi and Marathi." Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 24, no. 4 (2023): 835-846.
  • Sriram Dharwada, Jitendra Tembhurne, and Tausif Diwan, “An Optimal Weighted Ensemble of 3D CNNs for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease”, SN Computer Science, 5:252, 2024. (26 December 2023). DOI: Indexed in SCOPUS. IF 3.78.


  • Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Tarun Saxena and Tausif Diwan, “Identification of plant disease using multi-level classification deep model”, International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 13(1), September 2022, Pages: 21.
  • Tausif Diwan, G. Anirudh and Jitendra V. Tembhurne, “Object Detection using YOLO: Challenges, Architectural Successors, Datasets and Applications,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022. 8 August 2022
  • Tembhurne, J. V., Almin, M. M., & Diwan, T. (2022). Mc-DNN: Fake News Detection Using Multi-Channel Deep Neural Networks. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 18(1), 1-20.
  • Diwan, T., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2022). Sentiment analysis: a convolutional neural networks perspective. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-25.
  • Diwan, T., Shukla, R., Ghuse, E., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2022). Model hybridization & learning rate annealing for skin cancer detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-24.
  • Verma, A., P. Jain, and T. Kumar. "An Effective Depression Diagnostic System Using Speech Signal Analysis Through Deep Learning Methods." International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (2022)
  • Rathod, V. S., Tiwari, A., & Kakde, O. G. (2022). Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Wading corvus optimization based text generation using deep CNN and BiLSTM classifiers. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 78(July), 103969.
  • Mayur Selukar, Pooja Jain, Tapan Kumar, Inventory control of multiple perishable goods using deep reinforcement learning for sustainable environment, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments,Volume 52, Part B, 2022,102038,ISSN 2213-1388,
  • Tausif Diwan, G. Anirudh and Jitendra V. Tembhurne, “Object Detection using YOLO: Challenges, Architectural Successors, Datasets and Applications,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022. 8 August 2022
  • Saini, M., Sharma, K., & Doriya, R. (2022). An empirical analysis of cloud based robotics: challenges and applications. International Journal of Information Technology, 14(2), 801-810.
  • Sharma, K., Doriya, R., Pandey, S. K., Kumar, A., Sinha, G. R., & Dadheech, P. (2022). Real-Time Survivor Detection System in SaR Missions Using Robots. Drones, 6(8), 219.
  • Sharma, K., Swarup, C., Pandey, S. K., Kumar, A., Doriya, R., Singh, K. U., & Singh, T. (2022). Early Detection of Obstacle to Optimize the Robot Path Planning. Drones, 6(10), 265.
  • Lal, N., Kumar, S. An emergency event detection approach in real-time for efficient vehicle safety in Smart City. Multimed Tools Appl 81, 6373–6388 (2022).
  • Jain, K., Dhabu, M., Kakde, O., & Funde, N. (2022). Completely fair energy scheduling mechanism in a smart distributed multi-microgrid system. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 34(9), 7819-7829.



  • Nishat Afshan Ansari, Umesh A. Deshpande, Sahista. P. Mohammad, “A fault tolerant algorithm for integrated coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks'', Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 37(4), pp. 191–206, 2021.
  • Tembhurne, J. V., & Diwan, T. (2021). Sentiment analysis in textual, visual and multimodal inputs using recurrent neural networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(5), 6871-6910.
  • Tembhurne, J. V., Hazarika, A., & Diwan, T. (2021). BrC-MCDLM: breast Cancer detection using Multi-Channel deep learning model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(21), 31647-31670.
  • Gaikwad, V. P., Tembhurne, J. V., Meshram, C., & Lee, C. C. (2021). Provably secure lightweight client authentication scheme with anonymity for TMIS using chaotic hash function. The Journal of Supercomputing, 77(8), 8281-8304.
  • Meshram, C., Ibrahim, R. W., Obaidat, M. S., Sadoun, B., Meshram, S. G., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2021). An effective mobile-healthcare emerging emergency medical system using conformable chaotic maps. Soft Computing, 25(14), 8905-8920.
  • Gaikwad, V. P., Tembhurne, J. V., Meshram, C., Lee, C. C., & Li, C. T. (2021). An Efficient Provably Secure Verifier-Based Three-Factor Authentication Technique Using PDL for Data Exchange in TMIS. IEEE Access, 9, 108586-108600.
  • Nishat Afshan Ansari, Umesh A. Deshpande, Anish Kelkar, “A novel Technique for performing Tiger Census in a forest using a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks” Ad hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Old City Publishing, 2021
  • Nishat Afshan Ansari, Umesh A. Deshpande, Anish Kelkar, “A novel Technique for performing Tiger Census in a forest using a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks” Ad hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Old City Publishing, 2021
  • Nishat Afshan Ansari, Umesh A. Deshpande, Sahista. P. Mohammad, “A fault tolerant algorithm for integrated coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks'', Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 37(4), pp. 191–206, 2021.
  • Jain, K., Dhabu, M., Kakde, O., & Funde, N. (2021, January). ENERGY SCHEDULING IN A HYBRID NETWORK OF MULTI-MICROGRIDS.
  • Selukar, Mayur, Pooja Jain, and Tapan Kumar. "A device for effective weed removal for smart agriculture using convolutional neural network." Springer International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management (2021): 1-8.
  • Jain, R., Jain, P., Kumar, T. et al. Real time video summarizing using image semantic segmentation for CBVR. J Real-Time Image Proc (2021).
  • Pinto, J., Jain, P. & Kumar, T. A content based image information retrieval and video thumbnail extraction framework using SOM. Multimed Tools Appl (2021).
  • Penurkar M.R., Deshpande U.A., Social characteristics-based routing algorithm for a mobile social network, Computing, 103 (2021), pp. 133-153, doi:10.1007/s00607-020-00843-4



  • Chaturvedi, S. S., Tembhurne, J. V., & Diwan, T. (2020). A multi-class skin Cancer classification using deep convolutional neural networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(39), 28477-28498.
  • Meshram, C., Lee, C. C., Ranadive, A. S., Li, C. T., Meshram, S. G., & Tembhurne, J. V. (2020). A subtree‐based transformation model for cryptosystem using chaotic maps under cloud computing environment for fuzzy user data sharing. International Journal of Communication Systems, 33(7), e4307.
  • Meshram, C., Alsanad, A., Tembhurne, J. V., Shende, S. W., Kalare, K. W., Meshram, S. G., ... & Gumaei, A. (2020). A provably secure lightweight subtree-based short signature scheme with fuzzy user data sharing for human-centered IoT. IEEE Access, 9, 3649-3659.
  • Meshram, C., Obaidat, M. S., Tembhurne, J. V., Shende, S. W., Kalare, K. W., & Meshram, S. G. (2020). A lightweight provably secure digital short-signature technique using extended chaotic maps for human-centered IoT systems. IEEE Systems Journal, 15(4), 5507-5515.
  • Sreesurya, I., Rathi, H., Jain, P. et al. Hypex: A Tool for Extracting Business Intelligence from Sentiment Analysis using Enhanced LSTM. Multimed Tools Appl (2020).
  • Rathod, V., Tiwari, A., & Kakde, O. G. (2020). Feature Extraction and Classification for Electro-Encephalography Based Bci: A Review. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 13(14), 277–281.
  • Pinto, Joey, Pooja Jain, and Tapan Kumar. "Fault prediction for distributed computing Hadoop clusters using real-time higher order differential inputs to SVM: Zedacross." International Journal of Information and Computer Security 12, no. 2-3 (2020): 181-198.
  • Jain, Pooja, Neha R. Kasture, and Tapan Kumar. "Comparative Study of Speaker Recognition Techniques in IoT Devices for Text Independent Negative Recognition." Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 21, no. 3 (2020): 359-368.
  • S Arvind, Anshika Jain, Nidhi Lal, and Mayuri Digalwar, Insurance Claim Prediction Approach Using Machine Learning based Logistic Regression , IEEE International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (#48462) (ICMICA 2020) April 2, 2020, to April 4, 2020, NIT Kurukshetra.
  • Keerthana, P. S. M., Nimish Phalinkar, Riya Mehere, Koppula Bhanu Prakash Reddy, and Nidhi Lal. A Prediction Model of Detecting Liver Diseases in Patients using Logistic Regression of Machine Learning. Available at SSRN 3562951


  • Diwan, T., & Tembhurne, J. (2019). A Parallelization of Non-Serial Polyadic Dynamic Programming on GPU. Journal of computing and information technology, 27(2), 55-66.
  • Kailash W Kalare, J. V. Tembhurne, “A Work Distribution Strategy for Global Sequence Alignment”, International Journal of Computing, Vol. 18, No. 1, April 2019, pp. 75-81.
  • Nidhi Lal & Shishupal Kumar (2019) An Efficient Uplink Scheduler for WiMAX Communication System with Prevention from Security Attacks, New Review of Information Networking, 24:2, 133-152, DOI: 10.1080/13614576.2019.1608580, Scopus Indexed.


Book Chapters




  • “Tutorial on Automated Trading using API”, (with Dr. Manish Kurhekar), Proceedings of the 6th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data, 305-307, 2023.
  • Wajgi, R., Tembhurne, J., Pendharkar, H., & Deshpande, O. (2023). Localisation of brain tumor from brain MRI images using deep learning. In Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning (pp. 635-642). CRC Press.
  • Pathak, A., Tembhurne, J. V., Kalaiarasan, C., & Jain, T. (2023). IoT Design Methodology: Architectures and Protocols. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 1-20). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Shende, S. W., Tembhurne, J. V., & Jain, T. K. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with IoT. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 159-183). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Diwan, T., Tembhurne, J. V., Jain, T. K., & Jain, P. (2023). Deep Learning for IoT. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 113-129). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Wajgi, D., Tembhurne, J. V., Wajgi, R., & Jain, T. (2023). Communication in IoT Devices. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 21-44). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Tembhurne, J. V., Diwan, T., & Jain, T. K. (2023). IoT Security and Privacy. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 45-61). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Wajgi, R., Tembhurne, J. V., Wajgi, D., & Jain, T. (2023). Internet of Everything: Applications. In Modern Approaches in IoT and Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Latest Trends in AI (pp. 131-157). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Title: Identification and Analysis of Health Parameters for the Development of a Mobile app and Sensor Based Wearable Health Band ,  Book Name: Handbook of Evidence based Management Practices in Business, Taylor and Francis, 2023, ISBN-978-1-032-54216-4, Chapter No 59, Page No 514 – 526
  • Rekha PalRohith Reddy VangalYashita WatchpillaiPooja JainTapan Kumar. 2023. “Stress-Level Detection Using Smartphone Sensors.” In Computational Statistical Methodologies and Modeling for Artificial Intelligence, Chapter–15. CRC Press.



  • Wajgi, R., Tembhurne, J. V., & Wajgi, D. (2021). Thoracic Image Analysis Using Deep Learning. Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics, 15-42.



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