Joey Pinto Pooja Jain Tapan Kumar Jain Fault Prediction for Distributed Computing Hadoop Clusters Using Real-Time Higher Order Differential Inputs to SVM : Zedacross International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) October 2017
Yash Sharma Gaurav Agrawal Pooja Jain Tapan Kumar Vector Representation of Words for Sentiment Analysis Using Glove International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques December 2017.
Pinto Joey Pooja Jain and Tapan Kumar. "Hadoop cluster monitoring and fault analysis in real time." In International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) 2016 pp. 1-6. IEEE 2016
Pinto Joey Pooja Jain and Tapan Kumar. "Hadoop distributed computing clusters for fault prediction." In Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) 2016 International pp. 1-6. IEEE 2016.
Head of the Department CSE at IIIT Nagpur (July - 2018 to June - 2020)