Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur

भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्था, नागपूर

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur

Institute of National Importance By The Act of Parliament | The Indian Institute of Information Technology (PPP) Act, 2017
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It is proposed to constitute the Institute Anti-Ragging Committee of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur consisting of following Members:


Institute Anti-Ragging Committee
 As on 1st July 2023
Sr. No. Name Department Designation
1  Shri. Kailas N. Dakhale,
--- Chairman
2  Dr. Mayur Parate, 
 Asociate Dean
ECE Member
3  Dr. Jitendra Tembhurne, 
 Asst. Professor
CSE Member
4  Dr. Rashmi Pandhare, 
 Asst. Professor
ECE Member
5  Dr. Giresh Ghivela,
 Asst. Professor
ECE Member
6  Mr. Swarnal Dhakre,
 Student Representative
7  Mr. Shriyans Chavan,
 Student Representative


The Committee is expected to meet as per requirement and suggest preventative / remedial measures including penal actions, if any, required to be taken in the context of Ragging Matters.


A. Institute Level Anti Ragging Squad:

Institute Level Anti-Ragging Squads
 As on 1st July 2023
Sr. No. Name Department Designation
1  Dr. Mayur Parate, 
 Asociate Dean
-- -- Chiarman
2  Dr. Jagdish Chakole,
 Asst. Professor
CSE Member
3  Dr. Giresh Ghivela,
 Asst. Professor
ECE Member
4  Dr. Prerna Mishra,
 Adj. Asst. Professor
CSE Member
5  Dr. Naresh Kumar Nedunuri,
 Adj. Asst. Professor
BS Member
6  Mr. Vasu Bhanderi,
 Student Representative
7  Ms. Pradnya Kumbhar,
 Student Representative


B. Hostel Level Anti Ragging Squad:

Hostel Level Anti-Ragging Squads
 As on 1st July 2023
Sr. No. Name Department Designation
1  Dr. Harsh Gound,
 Asst. Professor
ECE Convener
2  Dr. Sushmita Dandeliya, 
 Asst. Professor
CSE Member
3  Shri. Nikhil Madavi,
 Lab Assistant (CSE)
Admin Member
4  Shri. Shashikant Bhongale,
 Junior Supt.
Admin Member
5  Ms. Archi Jham,
 Student Representative
6  Mr. Vishwa Dwivedi,
 Student Representative


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