Mesurment Facility
"Measurement using Vector Network Analyzer" For More Details Click Here
"Nano SciTech Laboratory Facility" For More Details Click Here
Industrial Research and Consultancy
Industry/ Academia Partner with Us
The institute engages in education, research, training, technology development and relatedactivities in almost all areas of technological and scientific interest. The mandate of the institute states collaborations with the industry.
What are the benefits of industry interactions?
- New & Emerging areas are identified jointly
- Real-life problems are addressed
- Impactful quality of research
- The Institute's skill base is complemented
Typical project life cycle
Consultancy Projects
- Short term projects to solve specific problems of industry, lasting 1-2 years
- Expected results at the end of the project are jointly defined at the beginning
- Cost of a consultancy project usually depends on the nature of the problem to be solved
Sponsored Research Projects
- Long term projects for new knowledge generation in current, emerging and futuristic areas, lasting 2-5 years
- Deliverables are more open than those in consultancy projects
- A detailed project plan with budget to be submitted to and approved by the sponsoring industry
Completed and Ongoing Projects
Department of Basic Sciences: Click Here
Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Click Here
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering: Click Here
Sponsored Research Labs / Facilities
- Industry may sponsor a facility / lab in an area of interest to help build IIITN infrastructure
- Such facilities and labs will be shared with the sponsoring industry and may also be open to others on a case-to-case basis
Nano SciTech Laboratory: Click Here
Areas of expertise : Click Here