Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, “Electrospinning of lead free NBTBT6 based materials for sensors and energy harvesting applications” funding agency SERB-DST, Rs. 27.26 Lakh.
Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, “Synthesis of Curcumin-PLGA Nanofiber using Electrospinning techniques and to evaluate the efficacy of CU-PLGA nanofiber mat in GAgP patient” funding agency New Gen IEDC, DMIMS, Rs. 2.50 Lakh.
Prasad V. Joshi, “Analytical and experimental studies on the dynamic characteristics of submerged perforated plates”, funding agency DST SERB, Rs. 35.46 Lakh.
Prasad V. Joshi, “ Modernization of IC engines lab with experiments on data acquisition” funded by AICTE- Completed, Rs. 12.0 Lakh
Prasad V. Joshi, “ Upgradation of Vibration lab using FFT analyser” funded by AICTE- Completed, Rs. 7.0 Lakh