Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur


  • Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, “Electrospinning of lead free NBTBT6 based materials for sensors and energy harvesting applications” funding agency SERB-DST, Rs. 27.26 Lakh.
  • Dr. Aatish S. Daryapurkar, “Synthesis of Curcumin-PLGA Nanofiber using Electrospinning techniques and to evaluate the efficacy of CU-PLGA nanofiber mat in GAgP patient” funding agency New Gen IEDC, DMIMS, Rs. 2.50 Lakh.
  • Prasad V. Joshi, “Analytical and experimental studies on the dynamic characteristics of submerged perforated plates”, funding agency DST SERB, Rs. 35.46 Lakh.
  • Prasad V. Joshi, “ Modernization of IC engines lab with experiments on data acquisition” funded by AICTE- Completed, Rs. 12.0 Lakh
  • Prasad V. Joshi, “ Upgradation of Vibration lab using FFT analyser” funded by AICTE- Completed, Rs. 7.0 Lakh
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