Research Domain
Communication, Wireless Sensor Network, and IoT
- Design and Development of different Smart Systems using Sensors and
- Boards
- Smart surveillance application development Development of Health
- tracking devices using IoT and AI.
- 5G Network
- MIMO Systems
- Industry 4.0
- Data analytics
Microwave and Antennas
- Reconfigurable antenna
- Directive antenna, Planar antenna
- High-gain antenna, Printed-circuit antenna
- Microstrip antenna and arrays
- High gain antenna
- FSS resonator antenna
Signal, Image & Video Processing
- Expression recognition
- Biomedical signal processing: detection and feature extraction
- Computer Vision and Object Tracking
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Signal processing for condition monitoring
- Document Image Analysis
Process Control system
- Control Systems
- Modeling and Simulation
- Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC)
- Conventional PID Tuning
- Artificial Intelligent (AI) based PID Tuning and hybrid combination of
- AI and Conventional PID Controller
Intelligent Systems
- Machine learning/data analysis
- Development of Health tracking devices using IoT and AI.
- Application AI to various problems in Image and Video Processing.
- Biomedical systems
- Smart surveillance