Madhuri Langde, Dr Bhumika Agrawal, Dr. Maithili Barahate, ‘Journey of Women Entrepreneurs From 3 Ps to 3 Es’, Volume 6, ISSN, 2321-8169, 04/04/2018.
Madhuri Langde, ‘Modernist Strains in The Plays of Girish Karnad and Mahesh Dattani, Volume1, ISBN 97-81-926293-3-9., 21/01/2017.
Madhuri Langde, ‘Effect of Demonetization of Rs 500 and 1000 rupees on Society and Business’, Volume 1, ISBN 978-93-8139-34-7, 1/12/2016.
Madhuri Langde, ‘ Role of Workshops in the Development of English Language Teaching’, Volume 1, ISBN- 2250- 138, 23/01/2015.
Co-Coordinator of ‘Abhivyakti,’2023.
Co-Coordinator of ‘ScienceFiesta’ under the event “Tantarafiesta,”2022.
Co- Coordinator of STTP, ‘Gender Discrimination and Gender Equality Promotion at Workplace.’
Any Other :
Successfully organized ‘Science Fiesta’ for schools under the event ‘Tantrafiesta. On 16th October, 2022.
Judged debate competition in “Tantrafiesta”, IIIT, Nagpur, on 15th October, 2022.
Successfully organized STTP on ‘Gender Discrimination and Gender Equality Promotion at Workplace’, organized by Basic Science Department, from 19th Sep, 2022 to 23rd Sep, 2022.
Judged debate competition organized by Oratory Club of IIIT, on 16th Sep, 2022. Nagpur.
Organized “Azadi ka Amritmahotsav” under ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Campaign’ for third year students on 12th August, 2022.