1st SEM CSE – Calculus for Engineers (2023-24)
3rd SEM CSE, ECE – Numerical Methods & Probability Theory (2023-24, 2024-2025)
2nd SEM CSE & CSE-HCIGT– Matrices, Transform Techniques & Differential Equations (2023-24, 2024-2025)
Open-Elective Courses:
6th SEM, 8th SEM CSE – Mathematics in Data Science (2023-24)
6th SEM, 8th CSE, CSE-HCIGT, CSD & ECE-IoT – Optimization Techniques (2024-25)
Post-Doctoral research experience:
Worked as a Project Post-Doctoral Fellow in the project titled as “EASIUR India-Development of Air Quality Modeling decision support tools for policy-makers” at National Aerosol Facility, IIT Kanpur in collaboration with Centre for Atmospheric Particles (CAPS), Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A.
Areas of research:
ORCID id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9197-8113
SCI/SCIE Indexed Journal Papers:
Conference Papers & Workshops:
Other Conference & Workshops attended:
Link to Google Scholar: