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3rd Convocation News Articles 2023
Celebrating 3rd Anniversary on National Education Policy (NEP -2020)
2nd Convocation News Articles
1st Convocation Post News Articles
1st Convocation News Articles
IIITN & HCL Foundation signed MOU to undertake Mass Afforestation
IIITN comes up with innovation cell to boost start -up ecosystem
IIIT Nagpur students Hardik Jain from ECE and Shrishti Shah from CSE developed an Apps to fight against COVID-19
IIIT Nagpur students Atharva Nimbalkar from CSE final year selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021
Curtain Raiser Keynote Speaker of NEP Conclave 2021, Dr. Anil Sahasrabudhe Sir, Hon'ble Chairman, AICTE
IIIT-N Students First runner-up for ASEAN-INDIA Hackathon 2021
Smart Wristband designed by IIIT, Nagpur for Covid-19 patients
MoU Signed: IIIT Nagpur and AIIMS Nagpur (2020) in News
IIIT Nagpur organized National Workshop on IPR - 2020
IIIT Nagpur organized Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop - 2020 on 5th Oct, 2020.
TantraFiesta 2018
Abhivyakti 2019
1st prize at Smart India Hackathon-2019
Circular for Immovable property returns for the year 2024
Circular regarding change the name of MHRD to Ministry of Education
National Education Policy 2020
UGC Initiative
Innovation by Students : COVID - 19 Apps
Final Year Project thesis writing Guidelines
Online Exam & Grading Policy
CSE Sessional - II Exam Exam Timetable
ECE Sessional - II Exam Exam Timetable
Circular for Hostel Student
Notice For Mukhyamantri Medhavi Vidyarthi Yojana Scholarship
Schedule for Next Semester Fees Payment & Registration
Hostel Fees Extention Notice
Hostel fees Notice December 2024
Advertisement of National Fellowship for Higher Education of ST Students for the year 2023-24
Advisory on Eye Flu (Conjunctivitis) Prevention
Prescribed Application Format for Change of Branch Hindi Version
Notice for branch Change (2nd Year Sudent)
Hostel Admission Form (2,3 and 4th Year)
National Overseas Scholarship Scheme (NOS) for ST candidates
Notice for 4th Year
Notice MAHADBT Scholarship
Important Notice: For Extension of Last Date for B.Tech for 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester Fees Payment & Registration
Notice For Students
Important Notice Regarding Tele MANAS – a toll-free Mental Health Helpline
Important Notice for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students Regarding Instruction for Hostel leaving after End Semester Examination
Important Notice Regarding Boys Hostel Allotment
Notice Regarding Boys Hostel Allotment
Notice of Schedule for Next Semester Fees Payment & Registration
Notice Regarding Changes in Official Institute Bank Account Number
Notices for online financial activity.
DOs and DON'T for addressing the menace of stray dogs within campus premises.
Important Notice - Hostel Fees Payment
Notice for National Tribal Fellowship Portal
National Scholarship Portal
First Year Section Wise Time Table
Notice of Schedule for Next Semester Hostel fees Payment
Important Contact Numbers for Batch 2022-26
Schedule for Next Semester Fees Payment and Registration
Notice Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Sarathi Higher Education Domestic Scholarship Schemes
Notice for Swachh Toycathon Competition
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Notice
Notice for OBC, EBC & DNT Students Scholarship
MahaDBT Scholarship Portal
Notice For OBC, EBC & DNT Students
Notice For PwD Students
Students Counselor Timing Schedule Notice
Notice for Branch Change
Fees Extension Format
Notice for Extension of date for Next Semester Fees Payment & Registration
Notice regarding hostel allotment
Notice for student regarding campus
Notice of National Overseas Scholarship Scheme
MAHADBT Scholarship - Extended
Notice for Schedule for Next Semester Fees Payment, Registration and Hostel Allocation
Vidya Turant Education Loan Special Scheme For IIIT
Notice for Final Year Student(2018 Batch)
Extended Date MAHADBT Scholarship
Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas (CJD)
Notice regarding Instructions for Students - Examination
Submission of original copies of answer sheets for all batches
Notice for attend the examinations physically.(online mode student)
Notice for prohibited activity in the Hostel Premises / Institute Campus Area
SIH-2022 General Guidelines
Hostel Admission Form & Undertaking
IMPORTANT NOTICE:Resuming Physical Classes
Scholarship Notice For MAHADBT, NSP & MMVY
Annexure A Undertaking From for Hostel Student
Annexure B Undertaking From for Non-Hostel Student
Free Coaching for SC and OBC Students
FFE Scholarship Notice
IIRS Outreach Programme
Elimination of Single Use Plastic
National Education Policy 2020
Final Year Project thesis writing Guidelines
Online Exam & Grading Policy
Keeping Mind Healthy Video
"Nishant Namdev, Himanshu Jain, Arvind Kumar Sinha, Mathematical model of the tumor cells’ population growth, paper published on 29 November 2022 in Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (Springer)"
Dr. Mayur Parate and Dr. O. G. Kakde providing consultancy for the Design and Development of the “Electronic System for Nadi Pariksha” to Parijatak Ayurved Pvt. Ltd. Pune.
Dr. Charu Goel, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences organised an International Webinar - Celebrating Women in Mathematics on 29th May 2021
Khushboo Jain, Meera Dhabu, Omprakash Kakde, Nitesh Funde” Completely fair energy scheduling mechanism in a smart distributed multi-microgrid system”, “Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences”, 2021. ISSN - 1319-1578.
Nishat Afshan Ansari, Umesh A. Deshpande, Anish Kelkar, "A novel technique for performing Tiger Census in a forest using Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks" paper accepted to be published in Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks. Indexed in SCI expanded.
Nishat A. Ansari, U. A. Deshpande, S. P. Mohammad, “A fault tolerant algorithm for integrated coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks'', Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Indexed in SCIE (Accepted, 2021)
Dr. Tausif Diwan, Varad Pimpalkhute and Prajwal Nakhate secured 3rd position in Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop - 2021 (SMM4H) under NAACL
Dr. Anuradha Singh and 3rd year ECE student published paper "Advancement of Mobile Communications in 5G Perspective" in "5G and Beyond: The Futuristic IoT" (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis)
Dr. Mayuri Digalwar, Assistant Professor, CSE & Dr. Rashmi Pandhare, Assistant Professor, ECE received a research grant from YASH, DST. Grant Amount - Rs. 13,82,400
Penurkar M.R., Deshpande U.A. "Social characteristics-based routing algorithm for a mobile social network", Computing 103, 133–153 (2021).
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Head of the Department, CSE, received the Research funding under ECMC Scheme, SERB, India for the Cost of 10,90,000/- rupees
Chandrashekhar Meshram, Ahmed Alsanad, Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Shailendra W. Shende, Kailash W. Kalare, Sarita Gajbhiye Meshram, Muhammad Azeem Akbar and Abdu Gumaei, A Provably Secure Lightweight Subtree-based Short Signature Scheme with Fuzzy User Data Sharing for Human-Centered IoT, IEEE
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, et al., “Provably Secure Lightweight Client Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for TMIS using Chaotic Hash Function” The Journal of Supercomputing. Accepted for publication. Indexed in SCI. IF 1.569.
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Chandrashekhar Meshram, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Shailendra W. Shende, Kailash W. Kalare, Sarita Gajbhiye Meshram, “A Lightweight Provably Secure Digital Short Signature Technique using Extended Chaotic Maps for Human-Centered IoT Systems”, IEEE System Journal.
Kailash W. Kalare, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Chandrashekhar Meshram, Kuei-Fang Hsiao, Parallelization of Global Sequence Alignment on Graphics Processing Unit, Int. Conf. on Communications, Computing, Cybersecurity, and Informatics 2020, CCCI-2020 SCOPUS
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne and Tausif Diwan, “Sentiment Analysis in Textual, Visual and Multimodal Inputs using Recurrent Neural Networks”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 22nd October 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-10037-x. Indexed in SCIe.
• S. Chaturvedi, Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Tausif Diwan, “A Multi-Class Skin Cancer Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(39), pp. 28477-28498, (4th August 2020). Indexed in SCIe.
Students from 2nd Year CSE Varun Shirbhayye, Deepesh Kurmi, Siddharth Dyavanapalli, A. Sai Hari Prasad under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "An Accurate Prediction of MPG (Miles Per Gallon) using Linear Regression Model of Machine Learning",
Dr. Anuradha Singh, Assistant Professor in Basic Sciencesas worked as a subject expert in the Manual development for NCERT book entitled “Development of Mathematics Practical manual for B.SC. B.ED. Level” - 2020
Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar and Dr. Anuradha Singh, Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences has organized five days online STTP on “GENDER BIAS AND STEREOTYPING, GENDER EQUALITY AND WOMEN'S RIGHT” 22nd June - 26th June, 2020
Dr. Charu Goel, Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences organised an International Webinar - Celebrating Women in Mathematics on 29th May 2020
Dr. Anuradha Singh and Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar has developed an android app "COVID CARE" - 2020
Dr. Aatish Daryapurkar Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences elected as an Executive Committee member on the board of IIT Bombay alumni association Nagpur chapter, Nagpur
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne Assistant Professor along with Mr. Ankit Barai (Third year student) Department of CSE selected for Stage- 2 of SAMHAR-COVID19 Hackathon 2020.
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences granted an "Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellowship" by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany and invited as a fellow to MFO for 3 months to work on the research project together with international collaborators with Full Fundin
Dr. Anuradha Singh and Dr. Richa Makhijani get an approval for COVID-19 Research Project from IIT Delhi under "COVID 19 Research at IIT Delhi Supercomputer" (HPC-IITD). The project members include Chief Scientist Dr. Hemant Purohit from National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur,
Dr. Charu Goel, Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received "Oberwolfach Foundation Fellowship", and invited for the Workshop Real Algebra Geometry with a view toward Hyperbolic Programming and Free Probability (1st - 7th March 2020) at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany - 202
Dr. Ankit B. Bhurane, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of ECE initiated MOU activity between Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur and Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi Meghe, Wardha - 2020
Dr. Mayuri A. Digalwar, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE has developed the mobile app "COWAR" with Second Year CSE students COVID 19 - 2020
Dr. Pooja Jain, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of CSE organized Second ATAL FDP on "Artificial Intelligence" from 13th to 17th April 2020.
Dr. Tapan Kumar Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE First Online FDP of ATAL on "Internet of Things" from 6th to 10th April 2020.
Dr. Charu Goel, Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received a grant visit to IIT Jodhpur and LNMIIT Jaipur (in February 2020). The visit was initiated, organised and fully funded by Indian Women in Mathematics (together with IIT Jodhpur and LNMIIT Jaipur, providing accommodation).
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences delivered a talk in the workshop "Real Algebraic Geometry with a view toward Hyperbolic Programming & Free Probability" at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany [March 2020].
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as a speaker at the "Mathematics Seminar", LNMIIT Jaipur, India [February 2020].
Dr. Pooja Jain, Head & Assistant Professor from CSE delivered a Keynote at VIT, Vellore in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering, 24th to 25th February 2020.
Dr. Tausif Diwan, Assistant Professor from CSE is invited as Visiting Faculty at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior for IPG-VI Semester M. Tech. course - 2020
Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne, Assistant Professor from CSE is invited as Visiting Faculty at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior for IPG-VI Semester M. Tech. course - 2020
Dr. Anuradha Singh Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as a subject expert in the workshop on “Development of Mathematics Practical Manual for B.Sc. B.Ed” at Regional Institute of Education (RIE) Bhopal, M.P from 20-01-2020 to 26-01-2020.
Dr. Anuradha Singh Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences and Dr. Richa Makhijani has Organized a seven weeks certification course on “Statistical Techniques in Data Science Using R Programming" from 8th Feb to 30th May. 2020 at IIIT Nagpur.
Many publications (Seven) in SCI in the Year 2018-2019 by Dr. Prasad V. Joshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Sciences & Engineering - 2019
Dr. Nidhi Lal Assistant Professor, Department of CSE invited as speaker in DTE sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Security & Privacy in IoT" scheduled from 16 Dec to 20 Dec.2019 organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Government college of Engineering,
Dr. Anuradha Singh Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as a keynote speaker in One Week FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on RECENT APPROACHES OF NUMERICAL METHODS AND SIMULATION TECHNIQUES FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS Organised by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P) Under
Dr. Nidhi Lal Assistant Professor and Mr. Shishupal Kumar AAP in Department of CSE has published research article in Computer Science Review (SCI), Impact Factor: 9.74 title "Caching methodologies in Content centric networking (CCN): A survey" - 2019.
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as a speaker at the "Mathematics Colloquium", Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India [October, 2019].
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received Fully funded as well as invited as a speaker at the "CACAAG (Combinatorial Aspects of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry) Seminar", IIT Bombay, India [October, 2019].
Dr. Rashmi Pandhare Assistant Professor, Department of ECE received grant from SERB India for the research project "Design and Development of High Gain Reconfigurable Wideband Printed Antennas" - 2019
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as Nodal Officer from IIIT Nagpur for the Orientation workshop on "IRINS - Awareness and Implementation" (in August 2019) at INFLIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, India.
Dr. Anuradha Singh Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences invited as a keynote speaker in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “MODERN ASPECTS OF CALCULUS AND ANALYSIS IN ENGINEERING" from 26-08-2019 to 30-08-2019 organized by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) Bhopal.
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received a travel and accommodation grant for presenting her research work in "Indian Women and Mathematics Annual Conference 2019" (10th -12th June 2019) at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received "Open Arms Travel Grant" and "NBHM ICM travel grant (from Department of Atomic Energy)" and presented her research work at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [August 2018]
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences presented a poster at the "World meeting for Women in Mathematicians", Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [31st July, 2018]
Dr. Charu Goel Assistant Professor in Basic Sciences received "European Women in Mathematics - travel grant" and delivered an invited talk at the Summer School ALGAR 2018, University of Antwerp, Belgium [July 2018]
Research grant received by Dr. Aatish Daryapurkar, Department of Basic Sciences for Nano Science-based project - 2018
Varad Pimpalkhute, Prajwal Nakhate and Dr. Tausif Diwan secured 3rd position in Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop - 2021 (SMM4H) under NAACL.
3rd year ECE students Ms. Aayushi and Ms. Laasya research papers "Advancement of Mobile Communications in 5G Perspective" has been accepted for the book "5G and Beyond: The Futuristic IoT" (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis).
IIIT Nagpur students Atharva Nimbalkar from CSE final year selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2021
IIIT Nagpur students Hardik Jain from ECE and Shrishti Shah from CSE developed an Apps to fight against COVID-19
Mr. Sourav Singh (BT19ECE043) from ECE Selected for Google Summer of Code as a Student Developer, will work on OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Students from 2nd Year CSE Team name “Bug-Busters” cleared the first round of "Streamr Data Challenge" by getting selected among the top 20 teams, by creating a health-based mobile application "Healtshy" which can predict risk factor for diseases using medical report data.
Mr. Vivek Sharma final year ECE student published a paper - "LARNet: Real-Time Detection of Facial Micro Expression Using Lossless Attention Residual Network", Sensors, DOI:10.3390/s21041098
"Mr. Harshal Khandait (Final Year) and his team stood as First runner-up for ASEAN-INDIA Hackathon 2021"
The Team "Trokia" bagged the EiR position at TIDE Hackathon-2021. Team: Shrishti Shah (CSE), Hardik Jain (ECE), Om Manoj Gupta (ECE)
The Terrifying Nightmares" team is selected for ASEAN-INDIA Hackathon 2021.Team members: Harshal Khandait, Saurav Gajbhiye, Purva Goydani, Vedant Gannarpwar, etc.
Placement in Jio, India (Package: 15 Lakh)
Placement in SMS DataTech, Japan (Package: 22.58 Lakh)
Placement in 1mg, India (Package: 12 Lakh)
Intership offer from Amazon India
Placement in Capgemini (Package: 6.8 Lakh)
Students from 2nd Year CSE S Arvind, Anshika Jain under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal and Dr. Mayuri Digalwar, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "Insurance Claim Prediction Approach Using Machine Learning based Logistic Regression" IEEE International Conference on Measureme
Students from 2nd Year CSE Varun Shirbhayye, Deepesh Kurmi, Siddharth Dyavanapalli, A. Sai Hari Prasad under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "An Accurate Prediction of MPG (Miles Per Gallon) using Linear Regression Model of Machine Learning"
Student from 2nd Year CSE Apurv Chandel and students from 4th Year ECE Aniruddha Gawate and Sahil Kesharwani published paper titled "Economic Ramification Due To COVID-19", Available at SSRN 3598972 (2020).
Student from 2nd Year CSE Apurv Chandel published paper titled "An Accurate Estimation of Interstate Traffic of Metro City Using Linear Regression Model of Machine Learning" Available at SSRN 3598310 (2020).
Students from 2nd Year CSE Montu Saw, Tarun Saxena, Sanjana Kaithwas, Rahul Yadav under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "Estimation of Prediction for Getting Heart Disease Using Logistic Regression Model of Machine Learning", In 2020 Interna
Students from 2nd Year CSE Kumar Akash, Aniket Verma, Gandhali Shinde, Yash Sukhdeve under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "Crime Prediction Using K-Nearest Neighboring Algorithm", In 2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Inform
Students from 2nd Year CSE P. S. M. Keerthana, Nimish Phalinkar, Riya Mehere, K. Bhanu Prakash Reddy under the guidance of Dr. Nidhi Lal, Assistant Professor in Dept. of CSE published paper titled "A Prediction Model of Detecting Liver Diseases in Patients using Logistic Regression of Machine Learni
Mr. Sahil Kesharwani (BT18ECE032) a Second Year ECE student has developed an android app "COVID CARE" under the mentorship of Dr. Anuradha Singh and Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar - 2020
Mr. Ankit Barai third year student of CSE (team with Dr. Jitendra V. Tembhurne Assistant Professor, Department of CSE) selected for Stage- 2 of SAMHAR-COVID19 Hackathon 2020.
Mr. Sunny Dhoke, Final year student from CSE selected for Google Summer of Code – R Project for Statistical Computing - 2020
SoDi App is developed by Mr. Kartik Kinge (BT16ECE003), final year student of IIIT Nagpur. SoDi is an Augmented Reality application to help people visualize proper social distancing. It is advised to keep a distance of 6 feet with each other when you are in public places during coronavirus pandemic
The mobile app "COWAR" on COVID 19 developed by Second Year CSE students Mr. Tarun Saxena, Ms. Gandhali Shinde, Mr. Nitesh Yadav and Mr. Prince Anuragi under the guidance of Dr. Mayuri A. Digalwar, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE - 2020
Students for 4th Year CSE Mayur Selukar, Kunal Yelne, Sanket Sinha, Vaibhav Agasti published paper titled "Application of Mathematical Models in Food Science and Biomass Production", in Mathematics and Its Connections to Real World, Kindle Direct Publishing (ISBN-13: 979-8605747451), pp. 198-205, 20
Students for 4th Year CSE Divyesh Saglani, Aman Kumar, Braj Kishor published paper titled "A Study on Relation of Mathematics and Music", in Mathematics and Its Connections to Real World, Kindle Direct Publishing (ISBN-13: 979-8605747451), pp. 190 -197, 2020.
Students for 4th Year CSE Aayesha Bassy, Rinisha Gedam, Prachita Kotangale, Vaidehi Ghime along with Dr. Kousik Das published paper titled "Golden Ratio: A Beauty of Mathematics", in Mathematics and Its Connections to Real World, Kindle Direct Publishing (ISBN-13: 979-8605747451), pp. 95-112, 2020.
Students for 4th Year CSE Avishkar Zade, Atharv Daflapurkar, Sanket Kale, Tejas Tidke along with Dr. Rupkumar Mahapatra published paper titled "Mathematics in Nature", in Mathematics and Its Connections to Real World, Kindle Direct Publishing (ISBN-13: 979-8605747451), pp. 80-94, 2020.
Kartik W. Kinge (Final Year ECE) participated in MIT Reality Hack 2020 held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA - 2020
Mr. Aditya Sher and Mr. Sourav Singh from 3rd Year IIIT, Nagpur with Team name “X-LABS” owns the First Price at Hackathon - 2020, Hyderabad
Students for 4th Year ECE Kritika Dhawale under the guidance of Chitra Dhawale published the paper titled "Current Trends in Deep Learning Frameworks With Opportunities and Future Prospectus", Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing, IGI Global, pp. 63-77, 2020.
Students for 3rd Year ECE Shivani Dhok under the guidance of Dr. Ankit Bhurane, Head and Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE published the paper titled "Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from EEG signals using Linear and Self-Similarity features", Experts System (Special Issue paper), November 2019. .D
Students for 4th Year ECE Kritika Dhawale under the guidance of Rakesh Kumar, Manish Sharma and Gaurav Singal from Bennett University, Greater Noida, India published the paper titled "Deep Learning Frameworks: Current Trends, Opportunities and Future Prospectus", in I2CN-2019, 2019 IEEE 9th Interna
Congratulations for Team " THE TERRIFYING NIGHTMARES" for Winning 1st Prize @ Smart India Hackathon - 2019
Vaibhav H. Agasti (Final Year CSE) pursuing an internship at Muma College of Business, University of South Florida - 2019
Kartik W. Kinge (Final Year ECE) pursuing internship at Fujitsu Ltd, Japan - 2019
Sahil S. Deshmukh (Final Year ECE) pursuing an internship at Ecole Centrale Supelec, Paris - 2019 -- 100% Internship Offers for the first batch of B. Tech. CSE - 2019
100% Internship Offers for the first batch of B. Tech. ECE - 2019
Students for 3rd Year CSE Ankit Khushal Barai published the paper titled "NSE Stock prediction-Deep learning way", SoCTA 2019.
Students for 3rd Year CSE Ankit Khushal Barai published the paper titled "Drone video management systems", HiPC 2019.
Student from 2nd Year CSE Apurv Chandel under the guidance of Dr. Kirti Dorshetwar, Assistant Professor in Dept. of BS published paper titled "Media as a Social Need" in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11S, September 2
Students for 4th Year CSE Vaibhav Agasti under the guidance of Dr. Robin Singh Bhadoria published the paper titled "The Paradigms of Blockchain Technology: Myths, Facts & Future," International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), IGI Global, vol. 10(2), pages 1-14, April. 2019
Shivani Dhok, A. G. Kothari and Ankit Bhurane published a research paper on “Automated Hyperspectral Image Classification using Spatial-Spectral features” at the 6th Intl Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks - 2019
Atharva Nimbalkar published a chapter on Application of Blockchain into IoT networks for Security in the reference book by Springer Publications - 2019
Mr. Vaibhav Agasthi from CSE for getting selected in Under 19 Vidarbha Chess Team, 2018.
Parth Wazurkar from CSE has been selected as a developer intern in Google Summer of Code 2018.
Anushri Laddha from CSE was the finalist at Master Orator Championship organized by International Toast Masters Organization, 2018.
AR Vidhya – A start up founded by ECE student Mr. Kartik Kinge is based on Augmented Reality and E-Learning - 2018
Team ARVidhya: Mr. Kartik Kinge (ECE) and Mr. AdityaSher(CSE) bagged 1st Prize in International IEEE SS12 Maker Fair 2018.
Team ARVidhya: Mr. Kartik Kinge (ECE) and Mr. AdityaSher(CSE) won the Techstars Start-up weekend Hackathon held at Microsoft Hyderabad campus powered by Google for Entrepreneurs - 2018
Aman Soni, Sahil Deshmukh, and Somesh Kumar, “A Shortest Path Algorithm for 3D Integrated Circuit TSV Assignment”, IEEE international conference EDAPS 2018
Parth Wazurkar co-authored a research paper on “Predictive Analytics in Data Science for Business Intelligence Solutions” in IEEE conference CSNT 2017.
Innovating the Future: Advance Electromagnetics Towards the IoT and 6G Wireless Communication Era
Empowering Entrepreneurship with AI
Online Certification Coures on " PYTHON: BASIC & ADVANCE" Started on 15th January 2024 Organised by Computer Science & Engineering Department , IIIT Nagpur.
Five Days Workshop on "Blockchain Technology” from 13rd – 17th March 2023 Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIIT Nagpur
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, Patents and Design filings
Orator Club Presents-Inter-College Debate "Infacto"
Online International Event - Celebrating Women in Mathematics from May 31 - June 01, 2022 - Organised by Department of Basic Sciences, IIIT Nagpur - Coordinator Dr. Charu Goel
Electoral Literacy Club Webinar on Voting List Myths & Reality
“Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity”
PM's Adress on 29th July 2020
Ways to Innovate (Accelerators/Incubation: Opportunities for Students, Faculties & Entrepreneurs)
Free vaccination for 18 years and above age group from 21st June, 2021
Online One Week Workshop On "Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning (PDDL 2021)"
Online One Week Workshop On " Designing Intelligent Systems (DIS-2021)
One Week Workshop On "Electrospinning Nanofibers: Science, Technology and Applications" ATAL FDP - 2021
Building an Innovation/Product Fit for Market
International Webinar - Celebrating Women in Mathematics (Nagpur, India)
Abhivyakti 2021
Webinar on Celebration of Constitution Day 2020
India's own science and technology channel called INDIA SCIENCE
One Week Workshop On “Data Science & Analytics Using Python” DSAP - 2020
National Education Day 2020
Vigilance Awareness Week from 27th October, 2020 to 02nd November, 2020 on the theme- Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat
National Symposium on 'Memories of 22 October 1947'
National Education Policy - 2020
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Acumen in Engineering Education
Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights - 2020
International Yoga Day 2020
Abhivyakti - 2020
SAMARTH - 2020 (Pre-Event of Abhivyakti - 2020)
Pariksha Pe Charcha - 2020
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for Engagement of Graduate / Technician Apprentices
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for PhD Admission 2024-25 Winter Session under Full-time Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT: Phase II
Recruitment Notice for the Post of Registrar
Online Certificate Programme on "Foundations of Cybersecurity" From 5th April to 04th October, 2025
Holiday list 2025
Notice Regarding Changes in Official Institute Bank Account Number
New Bus Timings
Notice for Acomodation on Paid Basis
NISP Circular
Fees Details Link
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